Monday, April 07, 2008

Our weekend

Friday was spent getting a few things done around the house, I ran some errands and we went over to some friends house for dinner.

Saturday we got up and went to breakfast, ran and looked at a few trucks, went to WalMart for a few last minute things. Then when we got home I spent 4 hours uploading music to Kelly's new MP3 player. Talk about time consuming. I was so tired but I did not want to go to bed Saturday night.

Sunday we had to be at 4:30 am and to the airport no later than 6:30. I have been dreading this day. It went smoothly until poor Augie lost it and cried like she said she wouldn't do. I felt so bad for her and poor Kelly couldn't even look back as he walked away. It was so hard.

Augie and I left the airport and went to breakfast with all our friends that went to the airport with us. Thank god we have them!!!! Then we went to Cabelas and walked around, then to see "Horton Hears a Who" at the was so cute! Then Augie and I went to Michaels and did some retail therapy and to Target as well. We picked up Quiznos on the way home and while we ate we watched "Nancy Drew" it was cute too. I got Augie to bed and spent the next 2-3 hours chatting with my Tracy and playing on Scrapfreak. I love those gals!!!!


Tracy said...

It sounds like your day was pretty full. That was probably best. ((hugs)) I am here for ya, Just give me a yell. :)

Cathy said...

Big hugs to you!!!

I was married to a Navy man once upon a time but it would not compare to this.. Be strong!!!

~Holly~ said...

Lots of love to you Suzy!!

Conibaer said...

I´m sure it was a hard day but I´m glad your friends were there for you! *hug*
BTW: I gave you an award on my blog!