Friday, March 28, 2008

Calgon...take me away....

What a week from HELL this has been. We left for CA around 6:30 am. It started off with hitting black ice and totalling my car. Kelly had to drive down and meet us 2 hours south of where we live out in the middle of nowhere. We waited for him in a small town and I mean small. He brought me a car and we went on with our trip to CA arriving at my brothers around 4:15 the next morning. I had been awake 24 hours when we finally got to sleep and only slept for 2 hours cause Augie woke up and it was morning. She didn't realize we had gone to bed 2 hours before. lol

On Friday afternoon after all this happened. Kelly had to take Tuffy in to the vet and have her put to sleep, she was having conjestive heart failure. My poor baby girl! He was a mess and there was nothing I could do to help him. It was really hard to deal with. He barried her in the back yard and so Augie and I are going to make a flower garden where Tuffy is, that will give us something to do after Kelly leaves fro Iraq!

We left CA on Wednesday around 7:30 am to head home. We hit wind half way thru our trip, it was crazy. Then we hit a snow blizzard and had to drive 70 miles in white out conditions in a rental car. I was a mess by the time I got to Jordan Valley which is 45 minutes south of my house thru the Owyhee mountains. I called Kelly and had a total melt down. He drove his service truck to meet us and I followed him home. We got home at 11:30 pm. What a horribly long day!

On a great note we finalized Augie's adoption Thursday March 27, 2008. She is officially ours. Woohoo!!!!!!! We are so excited for her to finally have our last name. I can't wait til Monday when I can go to her school and get everything changed over.


Courtney said...

Congrats on the finalization of the adoption! That is SO exciting. I'm sorry the rest of your week sucked though. Big hugs!

Michele said...

Suzy, I'm so sorry! About your car, your dog, & your dh working so far away. I wish I lived close...I'd come help you. Hang in there. congrats on the adoption!
(Scraplove is having a cybercrop next to see you drop in & say 'hi'!)

Conibaer said...

I´m sorry too that you are having such a hard time! (((hugs)))! I just hope everything will be better soon - even with your dh so far away. I´ll keep your family in my prayers!
Congrats on the adoption! This is just great!

Conibaer said...

Oh and I would love to "see" you next weekend at the crop too! ;o)