Friday, March 07, 2008


Well, we are in for some big changes. As of April 1 I will be a single Mother. No Kelly and I are ok, but he is going to take a job making double what he makes now but he will be working in Iraq. Ya it's scary, but he will be on a military base working so I am not to worried about that. He will get to come home 2 times to visit and 1 time we will be meeting him in Florida to go to DisneyWorld. We can call him at his job for free. So I am focusing on the good things to stay positive for Augie! We will get to do some things to the house that we have been wanting to do and Augie and I are both excited about that. Painting inside the house, new couches, extending the back patio, putting in hardwood floors....

There are a few things I have thought about that I have never thought about before. We have an old dog that is showing some not so good signs of getting old, I have to deal with that on my own. I don't have any family here in Idaho so I have no emergency contact of my own, that is kinda scary. I have 7 acres to take care of with Augie's help. Changing out filters, taking care of the irrigation, changing the oil in the vehicles...all things I have taken for granted. YIKES!

I should be a really strong woman when we get thru all this! LOL!


Tracy said...

((hug)) You are a strong woman and I know you can make it through this. I am here for you.

Yvette Pupo-Heredia said...

{HUGS} You and Augie will do great and so will your DH. Remember us Freaks are here for you.

Cathy said...

OH MY!!! I wish you all the best. I will pray for the safty of you DH and best of luck to you!!!

Tamara Wheeler said...

Wow Suzy. You know us freaks will be there for ya! {hugs}

Kate said...

Suzy - my heart goes out to you! I know this has got to be difficult! I'll say a prayer for him & your family! You know if you ever need to talk...I'm here. :) ((hugs))

Anonymous said...

((hugs)) Suzy. We are all here for you my friend!!!!

Sara (SF)

.jessica jo. said...

i have no doubt that you will do a great job with everything while he is gone. You are an awesome mom and a strong person. Lean on your friends for anything you need, even if we dont all live close to you! ((HUGS))

Conibaer said...

Wow! That´s hard! But I´m sure you can do this! You´re all in my thoughts and prayers!!!
BTW: I tagged you on my blog!

~Holly~ said...

(((HUGS))) Suzy!!!