Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Looking forward to the end of this week...

It has been a busy, up and down kind of 2 weeks. Kelly has been working out of state. Sunday was my 35th birthday and I got bad news first thing, my favorite Aunt in CA had a stroke. Though she is doing lots better they are running all kinds of tests and something appears to be wrong with her kidney. She has been dealing with diabeties for the last 20 years, so this kidney thing is kind of scary as well. We should know more the beginning of next week.

These are the times I don't like living so far away from my family. I have tried to not let it get to me so much cause I have Augie to think about but I honestly have been really bummed out.
Please keep my Aunt in your prayers! Thank you!!!!


~Holly~ said...

((hug)) Suzy I hope you aunt is doing well!!

Conibaer said...

I´m so sorry you had to deal with this - especially on your birthday! :o( She´ll be in my prayers!