Monday, April 14, 2008

You Make my Day Award

I recieved this blog-award from the lovely Coni. You totally made my day!!! You are such a special person. Thanks so much!

It´s my time now to give this blog to 5 other bloggers that make my day. Since I can´t give it back and don´t wanna give it to somebody that already got it here´s my choice:

Tracy: You are my bestest friend. Thank you so much for all your support. I don't know what I would do without you, you are the greatest! Thank you!

Jess: It has been fun getting to know you. I look so forward to meeting you in June! :D

Denise: You are such a wonderful person. Thank you so much for the gift you have given me. I can't wait ot meet you IRL and give you a big {{{HUG}}}!!!!

Dorothy: You are an amazingly strong woman to take care of 4 boys for long periods of time while your hubby is gone. You inspire me! Thank you!

Kate: Thank you for being such a good friend. I look forward to getting to know you much better and maybe someday we will get to meet! :D

Ok, there are so many more special people I would like to include, I could go on and on but I want to leave some people for my 5 to surprise and make their day as well. Have fun!

1 comment:

.jessica jo. said...

awwww, thank you Suzy!!!!! I am really looking forward to meeting you in June too!!!!