Monday, February 18, 2008


So DH tells me that if I can really make a go of this Scentsy business then I can quit my job at the pizza place. So I woke up this morning thinking of the things I can do...
I thought I might bounce it off some of you and see what your thoughts were. The hard thing is that in the same social circle I have a friend selling the same product and that makes it really hard. I would never try and infringe on her business so that is why I need to come up with some new things for myself. I have placed catalogs at my work. I sent out a mass email to the people I know and might be interested and DH said I need to maybe send out flyers locally and in town. Got any other ideas?


Tracy said...

Sounds like you are on a roll with the things that we have been talking about. If I come up with any ideas on my end, I will definately let you know. I know that we will ROCK this business. :D

Lisa said...

Good luck! Can you ask to put catalogs at places like your hair dresser, doctor's office, dentist, etc...? Even if they say you can't put them in the waiting room, maybe the people who work there will look. :)

Vanessa Johnson said...

Hmm, one of my favorite type of parties to go to is a candle party. What they do, is it's a bunch of different hostesses & demonstrators (so maybe you and your friend) get together, and they do one big demo, allow people to order, and than they sell raffles to win a bigger prize, but then they also do a few games of bingo (you can earn extra cards by bringing a friend, signing up for a party, ect.), and it's just a fun time. Also, is their ways that you can make samples of all the scents and do up a kit to put out at different businesses or your workplace.