Monday, February 18, 2008

Tag...your it!

I have been tagged by Kate Thank you!

Here are the rules:
1) You have to post the rules before you give your answers.
2) You must list one fact about yourself beginning with each letter of your middle name. (If you don't have a middle name, use your maiden name).
3) After you are tagged, you need to update your blog with your middle name and your answers. 4)At the end of your blog post, you need to tag one person for each letter of your middle name.
(Be sure to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged and that they need to read your blog for details.)
And mine should be pretty easy since I only have 4 letters in my middle name. :)

G - Giving
E - Enjoys reading
N - Needs to lose weight
E - Energetic

I'll tag Tracy, Coni, Michele & Jess!


Tracy said...

Gee Thanks! Are tag backs allowed? :evil:

SuzyQ said...

You are so welcome!And ummm....NO!

~Holly~ said...

lol Cute Middle Name! :)

Michele said...

Cool...thx! Love ya back! :)

SuzyQ said...

Thank you Holly! It was my Grandma's middle name ans she too spelled it like a boy.

Conibaer said...

Ok, thanks for tagging me! ;o)
Love your answers! said...
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Kate said...

Great answers Suzy! Thanks for playing along!