Thursday, February 14, 2008


I have gotten so behind on blogging. Sometimes life takes some busy twists and turns and some things just have to be put to the side.

Things have been really crazy the last couple days.We were up most the night Tuesday night wit Augie vomitting and running a high fever. We thought she was going to have emergency appendectomy surgury but it turned out to be a UTI, Kidney infection and as of just a few hours ago she also has strep throat. Kelly and I had a huge parent wake-up call. It was so scary! I don't know how our parents did it, I really respect everything they did.
Thanks big time Dad and Mom! You are the best!!!!!!!


Courtney said...

Oh my! I'm hoping she is feeling better Suzy!

Tracy said...

((hug)) I hope she feels better soon.

Michele said...

Hey Suzy! Fun to find you again too! Love your blog! I miss seeing you around at SL!

monica.coffman said...

I hope she feels better scary watching your children be so ill. {{{hugs}}} to all of you!

Kate said...

How scary! Poor Augie! Hopefully she feels better soon!

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