Monday, August 04, 2008

Pulley & Jack

Kelly has wanted a Donkey pretty much since we bought property. I tought I would be able to hold him off since he is 8000 miles away, but Nooooo! He has watching our local Craigs List daily and he came across a deal we could't pass up. We ended up getting 2 donkey's, lol. He is so excited to see them.

Augie and I went out today and fed them carrots, played with them and even brushed them a little. They need to put on some weight but they are broke and very friendly. We are having so much fun with them.

This is Pulley, named after Chester Pulley the best Marine there ever was!

This is Jack, named after a Jack@ss(Kelly) lol


Tracy said...

They are so cute and Ed is so very jealous!

monica.coffman said...

Oh my cute are they?!

Yvette Pupo-Heredia said...

OMG! They are way to cute!!! Love their names ...LOL!

-leafa mcbirdie said...

yo Suzy... nice ass(es) heh heh heh!

aw serially, I lufff them!! congrats on your new babies!!

Theresa said...

hee-haw! love them donkeys!

Cindy aka HappyStamper aka Sealion said...

What adorable new family members!

Julianna said...

they are adorable!!!

Conibaer said...

They are soooo cute! I guess you´ll have lots of fun with them!

Tracy said...

You have been tagged! See my blog for more details. :giggle: