Saturday, July 12, 2008

A busy week

We had Poppy and Grammy here all week. We did lots of yardwork,Some shopping and errands and Poppy fixed the riding lawn mower for me and did a few honey-do's since Kelly is not here to do them. We played outside a lot and Augie played in the sprinkler in the back yard. There was so much more we wanted to do but the time always goes by so fast. The next time we see them will be in August and that means Kelly will be home for 15 days for his first R&R, I can't wait!

Grammy and Augie

Poppy and Rossko

Augie playing in the sprinkler


Tracy said...

Sounds like good times.

Kate said...

Looks like a great time! YEAH! So happy that Kelly gets home time in August! I'm sure it can't come soon enough!