Friday, December 12, 2008


I had seen an ornament awhile back before I found out who I had for an ornament exchange at Scrapfreak. Then when I went to go get it I could never find it. So i was blog hopping one day and i came across these fabulous ornaments on Leslie Ashe's blog. She is so talented and I often find inspiration from her. So she had these adorable ornaments done with buttons and I realized that would be so super neat. I made 2; 1 for my freaky friend and one for Augie's bus driver cause she is such a fabulous person and friend. I can't wait to do more of these, I have so many ideas rolling around in my head. Thank you Miss Leslie Ashe!!!!!!


Tracy said...

Super cute!

jakey said...

These are just beautiful Suzy! I'd love to make some of these for next years gifts! Thanks for sharing :-)

Lisa said...

First of all, your blog looks fantastic! :)

Secondly, these ornaments are beautiful! I'm sure the recipients had to be in love with them. Great job.