Thursday, September 04, 2008

A Trip to the Bay Area

On Sunday we met my In-laws and family in Merced and headed to the Bay Area to visit Kelly's Uncle who has stage 4 cancer. We had a bbq and just got to hang out and chat with the family. We had a really good time. His Uncle is doing really well, he was eating and has such a positive outlook, it was great. He had a appointment on Monday to go over the CT scan they had done of his chest and neck. We got the call on Monday afternoon that the chemo is shrinking the lymph nodes where the cancer is,
this was such fabulous news!

Buddy hanging out in the shade...

Kelly's Parents, siblings, spouses and kiddos...

Kelly and his UNcle...

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Its so nice to see family. You all look great!