Thursday, June 26, 2008


We left on Sunday June 22nd and drove to Reno where we dropped Buddy off at Tracy's house and visited for a bit. Then we headed on to Tahoe, NV to meet Grandpa and Grandma. We spent a couple days playing around, i wish we would have arranged for more time but we still had a great time. On Tuesday June 24th I headed back to Reno and Augie went home with Grandpa and Grandma for 8 days. I stopped at Tracy's and hung out for a bit though it wasn't long enough and picked up Buddy and we headed home. I got home at 12:30 and had to unwind for a bit before i could fall asleep. It was a really nice trip even though it was quick.


Courtney said...

She is getting so big! Hope all is well!

Tracy said...

Love the new page. Great pictures!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun trip, great pics! :)

Melanie said...

I love your pictures. Sounds like a great trip.

I miss you at SL!

Raechelle Bellus said...

Looks like fun! Great pics! :)