Saturday, December 08, 2007

Our New addition

Well Kelly called me on his way home the other night from a local store in town. The people had seen us in there a couple times and thought we might consider getting a puppy since we have a child. Well our other indoor dog is getting old she is 13 and i think now was a good time to introduce another indoor dog just so our cat isn't so lonely when we lose our old dog.

His name was Rebel, he is 8 months old and he is a Scottish Terrier. So we went and picked him up and he had the longest dirtiest fur and stunk so bad. So we brought him home and cut his fur and gave him a bath. He is much cuter than he was.

Ths is the before...

And here is the after...

We have changed his name to Buddy and our cat hates him as of now. The cat is terrorizing him nightly. It is actually kinda funny cause this is the same cat that is deathly afraid of my parents Daschund Rossko. The cat hides the whole time Rossko is here and now he is being the aggressive one towards Buddy. Buddy doesen't even know what a cat is cause he has never seen one until now. And besides that he isn't aggressive at all. We have heard him bark once and that was while he was in the backyard playing and thought he saw something.


Yvette Pupo-Heredia said...

He is so cute!!

Tracy said...

He is so adorable! I can't wait to meet him.

Conibaer said...

Oh, he looks so cute! I´m sure you´ll have a lot of fun with him. And the cat too! ;o)

Linda said...

What a cutie!!! Congrats on the newest addition!

Carla said...

AWWWW what a cutie are things going, is he a good dog? He looks so sweet! Is the cat getting any better around him? LOL

Cathy said...

This is the cutest little baby!!! I love his sweet face!

Tamara Wheeler said...

Sooooo cute!