Thursday, November 01, 2007

Happy Halloween!!!!

Well this year Augie wanted to be a witch. We got a great deal on her costume and it was really cute. She had a blast!!!!

Here was for school...

And here was for trick-or-treating....

Daddy hated the make-up. He said it was too dark. But it had to be dramatic for night time. I think he just hated that she was so beautiful!


Anonymous said...

oh wow Suzy - look at all her personality! she cracks me up!

SuzyQ said...

That is her 24/'s never a dull moment!

Dorothy said...

Oh yeah... that was a GREAT costume for her! She's workin' the attitude! :)

~Holly~ said...

LOVE The photos!!! She is sooo cute!!

monica.coffman said...

She is so cute!! Great costume for her!

Kate said...

What a cute witch! Looks like you had a fun Halloween! :)