Monday, August 20, 2007

Freak of the week!!!!!

Tracy Text'd me last night around 9:30 pm to tell me that I was FOTW on Scrapfreak. I really thought she was joking. So I jumped online and sure enough it really was me. I am completely honored and so thankful to be picked. This has absolutely made my day!
Thanks for all the support and praise!!!!!!


Tracy said...

I was so excited for you that I had to tell ya. I wasn't sure when you would be on and I didn't want you to miss out.


Cherie said...

Congrats! That's so exciting!

Laurie Dunn said...

Thats brilliant!!! Congrats:)

monica.coffman said...

Congrats Suzy! I'm so happy you're a part of the freak. :)

Kate said...

Woo hoo! Congrats Suzy!

Conibaer said...

Congrats! You rock!