Thursday, June 28, 2007

Thanx Coni

ok here goes.....I got tagged 3 seperate times but I am only going to do one. Thanx Kate and Tracy! Here asre the rules. I am going to write 7 things about gardening and then choose a new catagory and tag 7 people...then this continues on

1. I love having a garden.
2. I hate the bugs that come in the garden, thought I know they need to.
3. I am afraid a snake will hide in there(yikes).
4. I love having fresh veggies and flowers.
5. I didn't get a garden planted this year.
6. I would love to have cucumber, tomatoes, corn, radishes....etc.....
7. Now I am hungry from talking about all the yummy garden veggies.

Ok I am tagging Jess, Fake Monica, Tamara, Holly, Kate, Dorothy and you all need to come up with 7 things about Friends.....Love you girls!!!! :)

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